Today I chose to do a radio station. I got the idea from Mrs. Hinojosa's blog while looking under music in cooltoolsforschools. I started to sign up for one of the programs called blip but i wasn't able to finish. I need to come up with the second program i want to choose. i was looking around the web and found several different programs that i might be able to work with. i knew i wasn't gonna have time to look at the other progrmas so i wrote down the websites to look at them at home later.
i am going to go to all the websites and look at the ones that may be possible candidates and choose two that i will use for this project. i will then make a table based on simplicity and i will evaluate both programs and continue with the process.
I would rate myself a 4 in Attitudes in technology because I actually got some work done! Yay!! Well, I actually got an idea of what I am going to do. Earlier I was all over the place with the confusion of what I was going to do. Now I got it covered, so I'm good:)
Great analysis so far just research the two and compare. Use my post today for an example of the the rubrics you will need to create for your comparison. Along with the detail rating of each measurement.